Monday, May 14, 2012

Mmmm. That's interesting

Leverage your successes, knowledge & expertise. Get your prospect wanting to learn more.

In this video, Jill Konrath talk about getting your clients to say ""Mmmm. That's interesting. I need to learn more."
This is similar to the "Ben Duffy" technique, where you anticipate a customers concerns or questions and handle them up front. Without waiting for them to bring them up. What Jill asks you to do is:
  1. think about your success,
  2. find customers who have similar problems that were solved by your solution,
  3. open the sales call with  a question that will not only raise the curiosity of your clients, but also qualify the opportunity.
What would someone say in response to Jill's questions? There are three alternatives;
  1. "Yes, that is interesting. Tell me more",
  2. "No, I've not thought about that because we do it differently."
  3. "No, I've never thought about that and do not think it is relevant"
Notice each answer above gives you more information than you had before. Each answer above has a follow-up question begging to be asked:
  1. "Sure, Can I ask a few questions about your business first?"
  2. "Really? That is interesting. What do you do that makes you successful?"
  3. "OK. Tell me more about your situation."
List your business initiatives and identify your successes with customers. Create a one-sentence question that describes the problems you solved and create curiosity about how you do it. Use this sentence in your next sales call.