Monday, August 25, 2008


OMG! Another Blog! Do we really need another one?

Yes, we need millions of them. Blogs are people sharing facts, ideas, feelings.... Why wouldn't we need this? We all have something to say. And we all should be listening.

After reading others who blog on topics I am interested in, I thought I would jump in and see what I can do.

Why read what I have to say? Well, I ask myself this same question about bloggers I see on the net. Often, I read columns and blogs that I think are very good, and often, I have my own opinion on what is said. I have some specific ideas about the topics I spend my time on while at work: Facilitation, Sales skills, Presentation skills, and the combination of these. So I will write about what I know.

These "skills"are based on observing people. I tend to an psych/biology/evolutionary spin. For example: why are words so easily overwhelmed by your body language? I think it is because we have been using our bodies to communicate for millions of years longer than we have had language... not counting our pre-human history. So biology is as important as statistics - actually, biology IS statistics. This comes from my 20 years in the corporate world, and studying Anthropology and Archaeology. I know - don't get a meaningful degree in college - you will end up selling insurance....

There are many good places on the web to get this stuff. I can do some of the work to get it all out there, add my perspective, and see what happens.

Hey, you've read it this far.....!

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